Counselling – How Honest Should I Be?

This case ‘vignette’ is a true story about a mistake I made many years ago when I first began offering chirology consultations professionally.

A man comes along who has invented a barbecue cooker.

He has invested three years and all his money creating and having his design patented.

He asks me “Will my business investment work?”

My encouraging and kind response is “There is every chance that things will go well”, while intuitively ‘knowing’ otherwise.

His ‘career’ line is faint and his thumb too malleable. I pick up restrictions to his success.

My feedback is not honest.

Some months later he calls to tell me he is broke, that at the trade fair launch there was another almost identical invention for sale at a much lower price.

Should I have been more honest?

The answer is YES!

My being gentle with my words and my willing to be wrong (to send him away feeling encouraged) cannot be justified.

What should I have said?

Enquiry into other possible outcomes, and how best he will manage in the face of the imminent disappointment, offered with kindness and encouragement, are what he needed most.

Also, on a deeper level he would have sensed my lack of integrity.

The quest to deepen trust in my intuition is a prevailing theme in my work of hand reading. I share this quest with many others like myself, who rigorously, with unprecedented consciousness, are learning the subtleties of our ‘inner tuition’.

As we fine tune our listening to our inner voice of knowing, we discover just how deeply our ‘inner tuition’ can be trusted.



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