Illustrated Chirology Guidebook for Hand Readers includes:
- All the information needed to become a confident and proficient hand reader.
- Explorations of all aspects of past and present trends of the craft of hand reading.
- References to scientific health research and hands.
- In-depth explanations of the element system of interpretation.
- Tried and tested meanings handed down from traditional western palmistry systems.
- Know-how for using chirology and palmistry as a diagnostic tool to genuinely understand yourself and others.
- Information about the significance and role of intuitive perception and psychic attunement in the hand reading craft.
- Suggestions and techniques for how to trust yourself and your integrity as a hand reader
- Guidelines on how-to listen and how to speak; your verbal delivery, structured within the 5 Realms counseling and coaching model.
- Hundreds of illustrations to help you to identify and interpret the shapes, textures, dermatoglyphics, lines and all other features of the hands.
- A clear and thorough investigation into each and every component of the hand readers craft.
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