Illustrated Chirology Palmistry and Hand Reading


The essential full-colour guide for anyone wanting to learn to read hands, either professionally or as a hobby.

I love this book. The tutorials are concise, easy reads. I recommend Illustrated Chirology as it offers a full overview what hand reading is about.

“This book is excellent as a reference guide to those wanting to either deepen their understanding or embark upon a chirology journey. Jennifer has an excellent manner of setting out reference or learning material in a way which is simple and easy to read and reference and does not become difficult or cumbersome. Even if you pop this book next on your nightstand to read before bed, it won’t baffle the brain or keep you up wondering what the concepts were that were Jennifer is teaching.”        Claire US ~ Amazon Review

Also available in hard copy and Kindle from Amazon

Downloadable pdf
16.8 x 24 cm
279 pages

Illustrated Chirology Guidebook for Hand Readers includes:

  • All the information needed to become a confident and proficient hand reader.
  • Explorations of all aspects of past and present trends of the craft of hand reading.
  • References to scientific health research and hands.
  • In-depth explanations of the element system of interpretation.
  • Tried and tested meanings handed down from traditional western palmistry systems.
  • Know-how for using chirology and palmistry as a diagnostic tool to genuinely understand yourself and others.
  • Information about the significance and role of intuitive perception and psychic attunement in the hand reading craft.
  • Suggestions and techniques for how to trust yourself and your integrity as a hand reader
  • Guidelines on how-to listen and how to speak; your verbal delivery, structured within the 5 Realms counseling and coaching model.
  • Hundreds of illustrations to help you to identify and interpret the shapes, textures, dermatoglyphics, lines and all other features of the hands.
  • A clear and thorough investigation into each and every component of the hand readers craft.


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