In counselling with hand reading, our accurate and compassionate choice of words is pivotal to the therapy. I love this quote by Noel Jaquin, who said: “Words are the tools of our trade, and the medicine of our profession”. He described how “Just as the artist must learn to blend his colours, so must the palmist must learn the art of blending words”.
Chirology teaches that all existence is composed of earth, water, fire, air and chi, that life comprises five element realms and that every feature of the hand has an element rulership. We choose words from the universal ‘language of the elements’ to help integrate people’s element realms.
Earth is the physical realm, where we look at the markers of security and stability in the person. Hands can reveal existing and predispositions to illnesses, financial circumstances and home and family circumstances.
Water is the emotional realm, the realm of the well being of the emotions, our friendships, relationships, compatibility, giving and receiving love and our willingness to feel inspired.
Fire is the vocational realm, where we find the person’s creative energy reflected in their hands. Fire level analysis helps define optimal work choices. What are they suited to vocationally? Fire represents action, will and joie de vivre in the person.
Air is the mental realm, where we analyse potentials, interests and hobbies. Air level analysis also represents subjective and external communication.
Chi is the spiritual realm where we discuss religious and spiritual beliefs. Chi rules intuition, the binding thread of chirology. Readers channel the information and the healing.
Visit for more about the elements of chirology.on this topic.
My book “God Given Glyphs” is truly a chirology ‘bible’ and can be bought via an easy, secure online payment gateway at my site. For free sample pages please click ‘look inside’ at on the home page. I also have written two ‘handy’ ebooks that can be bought online too.
“I’d like to congratulate you on the release of this wonderfully well written and illustrated book concerning hand and fingerprint differences amongst individuals. I admire the way you conduct your research as well as the way you present your well researched script and references. My son bought me this amazing book and I was thrilled with your intense observations and the layout of this wonderful book.” Morné
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