God Given Glyphs – Fingerprints

(1 customer review)


In God Given Glyphs, Jen presents over 200 stunning close-up images of the cosmic patterns that cover our palmar surfaces, accompanied by meanings for when the dermatoglyphic patterns are on thumbs, index, middle, ring and baby fingers and the palms.

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In this book, Jen presents over 200 stunning close-up images of the cosmic patterns that cover our palmar surfaces, accompanied by meanings for when the dermatoglyphic patterns are on thumbs, index, middle, ring and baby fingers and the palms.

  • Fingerprint glyphs are not only an irrefutable mark of our identity – they also describe individual psychological profiles, each with their own behavioral traits.

  • This glyph pattern guidebook enables you to easily identify your individual fingerprint patterns, so as to understand more about yourself; physically, emotionally, vocationally, mentally and spiritually.

  • God’s inscriptions on our fingertips offer irrefutable proof of our individual identity – and our Oneness.

  • It is true that each fingerprint glyph is unique, yet all seven billion of us share only seven basic glyph patterns. We are all different, and we are all the same – how fascinating our diversity, and our unity!

  • In this 4th, updated edition of God Given Glyphs, the samples of the cosmic patterns that cover our palmar surfaces include contributions from criminal records.

  • Illustrations are accompanied by meanings for when the glyph patterns are on thumbs, index, middle, ring and baby fingers, and the palm.

1 review for God Given Glyphs – Fingerprints

  1. Gilda De Araujo

    This book is very informative, concise, and well written.

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God Given Glyphs ~ Fingerprints