The Bent Middle Finger – Opinions and Viewpoints.

Seen recently on social media: One hand reader offers that a bent middle finger (along with a bent index finger) shows “deprivation of male guardian or father”, with “good luck only starting after they become parents.” Another then asserts that what a bent middle finger actually means is that the owner has “astigmatism” [eye problems] and is “very self-critical.”  A 3rd hand analyst intervenes. “Without research it’s hard to tell where the border is found between credible observations and superstitious folklore”.

There are many possible meanings that are ascribed to bent middle fingers. In classical palmistry, this signals the scribe whose writings will be published. Owners of this feature often need to be alone – a lot. They may be depressive, and suffer digestive disorders. Earth (Saturn/cultural identity) fingers represent our formative influences, so we often hear a story of double standards in childhood, and of parental abuse, resulting in lifelong insecurity. Potentially, all these, along with the various other interpretations for bent middle fingers, are accurate and applicable.

It’s in the mysterious folds between “credible observations and superstitious folklore” that the true essence and power of the hand reading craft of hand resides. Chirology has three equally important components. One third comprises the interpretative system, the second is that readers meet a standard of counselling and coaching criteria, and the third component is our (vitally relevant) intuition.

Yes, of course we readers cross-reference the hands’ features, and listen attentively to the person. But it’s through the opening of our intuitive perceptions that we ‘know’ which of the associated meanings will optimally support our dialogue. The practice is to get our analytical, so called ‘left brain’ minds out of the way and to feel, not think. After all, intuitive knowing is more senior than belief.

Hands reflect temperament, character, personality, and physical, emotional, vocational, mental and spiritual orientations. While holding hands, readers access the person’s often vulnerable realms of human experience. Authentic enquiry is infinitely more supportive than “accuracy.” Hand readers with fixed viewpoints on meanings are not only missing the essence of the hand reading craft, but may also be contributing towards disappointing, discouraging and disillusioning other aspiring readers.

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